Publishing Services
Odd-Socks Training and Consultancy can provide the following publishing related services:
We have in-house and access to external experienced rapporteurs. If you need to document your conference, seminar, workshop, meeting or training event, Odd-Socks has considerable experience in this role. See our portfolio page for examples of past rapporteur projects then use our contact us page to find out more about our rapporteur services and rates.
Copy Editing
Odd-Socks has considerable experience in taking document drafts and working on the text. This can be by a single author or multiple authors. Copy editing means not just correcting grammar and spelling but also checking clarity of sentences and paragraphs and working to make them understandable to a wide European audience. In the case of multiple authors the work can also mean adjusting all the different styles to make a publication that is of one style and flow.
We can take your final drafts and work them into text that properly reflects the skill, effort, enthusiasm and resources you’ve expended. Use our contact us page to find out more about our very competitive rates for copy editing.
Odd-Socks has been behind the writing of some important and high profile publications and articles. Subjects have varied from Human Rights Education, to youth work good practice, to co-working theory and model, to work with Roma young people, and to exploring the culture of being a trainer. Use our contact us page to find out more about how we can help you with any writing needs.